Tuesday, July 12, 2011

This is Africa!!

We flew into Livingstone, Zambia and headed off to a village to experience the "real Africa".  

We were so excited to give away the "Happy Factory" cars we carried with us.  The kids we saw were so cute and had only homemade toys. (we saw one rolling a tire)

 As we wandered through the village and met the people there, we were amazed at how simply they live and how much they have to work for everything - homes, food, etc...

Brennen had pockets full of Smarties to give away and the village kids were swarming her wherever she went to get a "sweet".

1 comment:

  1. Looks wonderful and I would be a total "fibber" if I did not say how absolutely, insanely, unbelievably, jealous I am! So happy though that Bruce is getting to see family. Only people like he and I can relate to the situation we have found ourselves in. Would we trade - not for a second, but that does not mean how terribly difficult at times, especially being the youngest, and definitely most spoiled, of 7, as was I!! But I bet Bruce and I should we be asked "Would you change your decisions?" The answer would be "Not on your sweet life!!" So enjoy Bruce, kids enjoy your grandfather and other rellies, and Lisa, if you can, relax. Your house is still standing and no worries to this minute. Love you guys tons and appreciate the wonderful travelogue you are sharing with us. "Olsen" (as Andersen calls Stephen and I!)
